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A Great Prayer List from Clement Chen


"Wanna pray? Here's a prayer list I quickly drafted up for our prayer team at the Gethsemane House of Prayer - Kathmandu, Nepal, some points have been copied from other websites. If you take two and a half minutes praying for each of these topics, you'll have spent an hour before the throne of grace.


Prayer List For This Quarantine Season:


1. Prayer for the sick: That God would heal bodies and spirits. The the spread of infection would be contained


2. Prayer for a supernatural heavenly breakthrough against the coronavirus: That God would relent according to His promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14 and that He would show mercy and this plague would cease.


3. Prayer for the least of these that may get easily forgotten in a time of crisis: Care for the refugees, the orphans, the legal and illegal migrants, the widows, the homeless, those who live in slums, the poor, single mothers, and etc…


4. Prayer for frontline health care workers:

• God, keep them safe and healthy. Keep their families safe and healthy.
• God, help them to be knowledgeable about the diagnosis and treatment of this disease, as well as the changing protocols.
• God, help them to stay clear-minded in the midst of the surrounding panic.
• God, deliver them from anxiety for their own loved ones (aging parents, children, spouses, roommates).
• God, give them compassion for every patient in their care.
• God, provide for them financially, especially if they fall ill and are unable to work.
• God, help Christians in health care to exhibit extraordinary peace so that many would ask about the reason for their hope. Give them opportunities to proclaim the gospel.


5. Prayer for those economically impacted by the coronavirus: Support for those who have lost their jobs and those who are facing financial hardship. That God would keep them from panic, and God would convict the church to generously provide relief.


6. Prayer for the grieving: Hope and comfort for those who have lost a friend or family member during this pandemic


7. Prayer for wisdom for the governments of the world: How to respond correctly to this pandemic and prayer against corruption in the government.


8. Prayer against those that seek to utilize this opportunity to persecute the Church: China’s new mandate to shut down online Christian prayer meetings and to hunt down and imprison Christian believers who host or attend house-fellowships or prayer meetings. The arrest of pastors for praying against the coronavirus or for the sick in other persecuted nations.


9. Prayer for the raising up of intercessors: That God would raise up intercessors who would labor in the place of prayer and fulfill the conditions of 2 Chronicles 7:14. That this coronavirus would result in the cultivation of the largest intercessory global prayer army that history has every seen. That the Church would rediscover the power of prayer and many would commit their lives to disciplined intercession.


10. Prayer for those stuck in abusive situations: Comfort, protection, safety, and peace for those who are locked in quarantine in an abusive situation or with an abuser. That God would transform the heart of the abuser and the fear of the Lord and the kindness of the Lord would lead the abuser to repentance. That the enemy would not have any opportunity to maximize the circumstances for greater abuse.


11. Prayer Against Substance Abuse: That during this quarantine season, those who have access to drugs and alcohol would not cultivate an addiction to drugs or alcohol. That those who are suffering from withdrawal symptoms because they are unable to obtain drugs or alcohol would break through and obtain freedom.


12. Prayer Against Addiction to Media & Entertainment: That believers would not get addicted to worldly media and entertainment but, rather take this opportunity to deeply discover the joy and satisfying delight of His presence in new ways


13. Prayer for purity, against pornography, and against human trafficking: That in this hour, those who wrestle with purity would receive strength from heaven and boldly find others who would help hold them accountable to purity. That the pornography industry would not be able to feed off isolation or loneliness during this crisis and gain addicts. That God would send stumbling blocks against those who would take advantage of this season to increase human trafficking.


14. Prayer for peace for those with mental health challenges or chronic physical illnesses: That God would be the peace for many who suffer from mental illness and that the enemy would not be able to take this opportunity to afflict them with greater anxiety, deeper depression, helplessness, or etc… That they would find support and community from believers who God would compel and convict to reach out.


15. Prayer for the gospel to continue to advance with power: That the Church would find new creative natural means to advance the gospel and that God would prove supernatural means far beyond what we can think or dream. That in this hour, the gospel would not be hindered but, would actually advance with force and power beyond what we expect or what we can do. That Christians in every neighborhood, community, and city would be convicted to pray, to give, to love, to serve, and to proclaim the gospel, that the name of Jesus Christ might be glorified around the world.


16. For Christian missionaries and indigenous ministries throughout the world: That they would be safe, be spiritually encouraged, have the right words of hope to offer to those who are afraid, continue to have the resources to love and serve the locals in the nations that they are in, and that they would not be forgotten or lose the support of those who financially and prayerfully support them.


17. Prayer for marriages: That marriages would be strengthened by the additional time that is available to married couples and that the enemy would not find an opportunity to attack and cause marital problems.


18. Prayer for parents and families: God, help mothers and fathers to partner together creatively for the care and flourishing of their children. For single mothers and fathers, grow their networks of support. Turn the hearts of fathers and mothers toward their children and the hearts of children toward their fathers and mothers. For wisdom and peace and joy in the homes of those with rebellious teenagers, troubled children, or foster care children. For parents who cannot stay home from work but must find care for their children.


19. Prayer against the spirit of self-preservation: That Christians would live radically generous in this season and that they would live out Philippians 2 and believe in Proverbs 28:27.


20. Prayer for the Church to be empowered with the healing anointing: That many would be supernaturally healed of sickness at this time through the laying on of hands and through prayer.


21. For pastors and church leaders faced with the challenges of social distancing: God, help them to creatively imagine how to pastor their congregants and love their cities well.


22. Prayer for peace: That at this time when there is so much fear around the world, the love of Jesus would prevail and would cast out all fear and panic.


23. Prayer for the rediscovery of the secret place: That people would find the Father in the secret, discover the Holy Spirit in their inner being, and come up out of the wilderness leaning into the arms of their Beloved. That they would be still and know that He is God. That the addiction to noise, social engagement, being busy, and etc… would die in this season and believers would rediscover the fruit of silence which is prayer, the fruit of prayer which is faith, the fruit of faith which is love, the fruit of love which is service, and the fruit of service which is peace.


24. Prayer for a global reset of restoration: That people would deeply rediscover things that really matter, remember to love their neighbour once again, and turn away from useless and worthless things that waste time, hinder love, and steal joy."


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